TUCANA Private Limited is an innovative light design and manufacturing company... Read More

Factory lights

Tucana is a research driven start-up with sole focus on LED lighting technology. We design and manufacture superior quality luminaries for industrial and architectural purposes. Factory lights are essential for efficient factory working. Lux levels from 300 to 500 or more in colour temprature of 5000-5700 K makes for the comfortable and happy work environment for the workers, This also reduce the workers stress and errors, Factory lights should always be lit from the Top. Mutiple numbers of such lights would ensure that there are no shadows created by one light when it falls down on workers, equipment or the Material on the shop floor. Fcory light should not be mounted on the walls. This hampers the work, by creating long sharp shadows and also causes severe glare. For factories with ceiling higher than 4 meters, if is recommended to have lights with 90 degree lenses, And for fatories higher than 8 meter height 60 degree lens can be used, after proper simulation studies of the work area.
